Technical Translation Services

When the subject matter is technical and a little difficult to grasp in the first place, you really want — you really need an expert when it comes to translating that type of technical information into different languages. Especially if there are several components to the data as in audio translation, written translation, video translation, text, web content translation and more. Everything has to be consistent from one format to the next. It is absolutely critical. And the experts at Imani Lee are sensitive to the importance of this in every technical translation services project we take on.

By now, people understand that you cannot get the correct meaning of a translation simply by plugging your text into a language translating "bot" or application. The often used phrase "lost in the translation" really comes into play with technical translation in such a situation. Imani Lee technical translation experts are skilled at the nuances of translation when it comes to such technical areas like Vaccines, Pharmacology, and DNA sequencing to name a few where even the slightest error can have potentially devastating effects. That's why it's important to trust the experts when so much is on the line.

Some of the areas for which our skilled technical translation services are called upon: