Professional Translation Service

Imani Lee San Diego's Professional Translation Service

We do it all. Every type of language-related service. We'll translate any document into just about any language. And we do it promptly. We exercise great skills in most every instance. That's because the art of language is filled with nuance. Each and every language holds it's own culturally specific uniqueness and personality. A good translator knows these about the languages they work within. On top of language, they have specificity within a given field of business, science, or field of study. It doesn't take much to see that a ball of confusion can quickly result with a translation if not all of these skills are present in the person doing the translation. At Imani Lee, our professional translation service people are these highly capable translators. Yes, we're a company, but when it comes right down to it, it's about the people connection. Language is just a means of making that connection. We strive to make that perfect, natural connection both in our personal business with clients, as well as with the documents we are asked to translate.

Quite often the translation we are asked to do goes beyond the written word to the spoken word in the form of consecutive interpretation also know as simultaneous interpretation. Something as simple as a telephone conversation in need of a real-time translation, to something as public as a conference translation, or a legal proceeding or an entertainment event. As the world "grows smaller", the need for translation is increasing. Imani Lee is excited to play a part in the rich tapestry of language through our work offering professional translation service to business, government and consumers. We love language and we love communicating. We respect language and its role in our world and we bring that to bear on the work we do.

We are language "curators" in a sense, and we take our work very seriously. We focus not only on the words themselves, but the culturally implicit meanings and intent found in original source documents and faithfully as possible re-word that intent into the target language in the most accurate way possible given the intricacies of each language. It is through this exacting method of attention to detail that we have become a frequent choice for professional translation service in the San Diego area.

Contact us with any translation services you or your company may have and one of our staff members will be happy to help you out.

Call today: (858) 523-9733.





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