Business Translation Services

Speed, Accuracy, Affordability

A company that provides business translation services is certainly one that covers a whole lot of ground. It's almost an open-ended equation once you factor in the 150+ languages we typically work with, and the dozens of industries with which we have deep experience. It's important to know the people you've entrusted in translating your business into other languages and other cultures, you want to know that you are properly represented in those other cultures. You want to be sure that the core values of your brand are translated intact. After all, you've put years and in many cases — decades into sharpening that brand, and now that it's being delivered to a new culture, you want it done right. So who do you look to? Experience. In these areas it's experience that always wins. The Imani Lee team of professional business translation experts have deep skills in the nuances of language and how it applies broadly across all aspects of business.

By bringing our experience to bear, we are calling up 13 years of success as a business document translation company of choice for a variety of business sectors including, the local San Diego medical community, the legal services industry in San Diego, the entertainment and media industry in Southern California, the local defense contractor industry, and many other industries and business segments we cater to in providing business translation services on an international level through coordinated international marketing strategies.

Digitally speaking, we've bring our translation skills to the social sphere with a very synergistic approach. We dutifully translate the nuances of your brand message to web properties with website localization strategies, to social media translation services via numerous popular social media channels and also supporting other more traditional forms of advertising and documentation.

When accounting for all of our experience, then adding our dedication to customer service, the best choice for you brand when it comes to business translation services is Imani Lee.

Contact us with any translation requirements you may have and one of our professional staff members will address your specific need(s).

Call today: (858) 523-9733.





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