This is the "all important" Title tag that helps Google (and other search engines) categorize the page and rank it among searches for the key phrase.

This is the short blurb of text that appears beneath the Blue, bolded underlined results when the page does come up in a search. It helps the user say to themselves "This 'echoes' my search phrase and pertains to the thing I am searching for".

These are the "hidden" phrases that further help search engines categorize a page. Google has publicly stated they no longer use keywords in this fashion, but other search engines still do, so they are still important to include with each page.

Not only is this text big and bold, it is "coded" to indicate importance to the search engines.

Job Coach San Diego

Same thing with this sub-header text.

Chessmen Is The Job Coach San Diego Job Hunters Respect

Basketball players have one. Prize fighters have one. Even beauty pageant contestants have one. So why not have one for getting a job? The reality is, all of these others just mentioned have probably trained for years to do what they do, and still they have a coach. But a person seeking a job has practically zero experience in doing that, because once they find a job, they stop looking. So in theory, job hunting is purely an amateur "sport". All the more reason to find a job coach to help you get the job you want. Don't know what job you want? Chessmen can help with that. Thinking about changing careers? Chessmen has a strategy for that. Want to stay at your current job while you look for a better one? Chessmen clients do that all the time. There is barely a job-related scenario that Chessmen hasn't coached someone on in their over 25 years of doing business in San Diego. Chessmen is the job coach San Diego comes back to again and again — because we consistently produce results for our clients.

Sports are mentioned above because job hunting is really a competitive activity. These days there are dozens and sometimes even hundreds of applicants vying for the same job. You simply must be prepared to come out ahead of every one of those competitors in order to get the job. Your typical job interview can go a hundred different ways, and you must be prepared to stand above every other applicant in every way. A great resume is not enough. A great smile is an asset, but won't do the trick. The minute you walk into that interview absolutely every aspect of you is on the block being judged. How you carry yourself... how you shake hands... how you dress... the length of you answers to their questions... how many "um's" and "uh's" you utter in the course of your answers.... and on and on. Sounds pretty nerve-wracking, yes? The Chessman job coach process will cover each and every one of these, which are really only the tip of the iceberg.

But why Chessmen? What gives us the edge over the competition? For one reason, we've been around long after many other competitors have closed up shop. But moreover, we sincerely care about your success. We feel our genuine concern for our clients is the number on reason — besides our deep experience — that we have dominated in our business for so long. Take a quick read of this article by Chessmen president Richard Knappen as published in the San Diego Reader titled "The Last Résumé Standing - What Do Employers Want To See?" It gives you a taste of the fresh outlook a job coach like Chessmen brings to the table. That's why we say "Chessmen Is The Job Coach San Diego Job Hunters Respect" because it really applies. In sports metaphors, Chessmen are the heavy weight champs of job coaching! The MVP in our business!

Call the job coach San Diego job seekers call most... Chessmen Career Movers: (619) 296-8828.






SEO PAGE MENU (not part of the actual SEO page.... Just here for review convenience!)