This is the "all important" Title tag that helps Google (and other search engines) categorize the page and rank it among searches for the key phrase.

This is the short blurb of text that appears beneath the Blue, bolded underlined results when the page does come up in a search. It helps the user say to themselves "This 'echoes' my search phrase and pertains to the thing I am searching for".

These are the "hidden" phrases that further help search engines categorize a page. Google has publicly stated they no longer use keywords in this fashion, but other search engines still do, so they are still important to include with each page.

Not only is this text big and bold, it is "coded" to indicate importance to the search engines.

Career Counselor San Diego

Same thing with this sub-header text.

The Career Counselor San Diego Job Hunters Call Most

So you have a career path ahead of you, but maybe it's not going the way you had planned. That happens. Then what do you do? You can sit around and wait and hope for things to change and start going your way.... or... you can get pro-active and make things happen. Great. You've made a decision to do something about it. But what do you do? Rock the boat the wrong way and guess what? It tips over! So it's time maybe for some professional counseling in the way of a career counselor. So it's off to Google and the hunt begins. You try searching all sorts of related phrases like "career counselor", "career counseling", "career advice" and more. You find a slew of options. What to do? You could always close your eyes and point to one and call! But why not do what the smart career-finders do: call the career counselor San Diego job hunters call more than any other: Call Chessmen Career Movers. The very fact that they've been at career counseling for over 25 years tells you one thing: they are good at what they do. While numerous other such companies have come and gone, Chessmen have been leading the career counselor charge for so very many applicants — through good times and bad. They've weathered the economic storms through the years and have developed strategies that work in good times and bad. They are experts in the San Diego job market. Period.

The Chessmen career counselor approach has many facets and strategies for just about every situation you will ever encounter on your career advancement path. For example: take "The 'Experienced Only' Problem". Chances are you've run into this career roadblock. It seems pretty "catch-22" in nature, but with the right counseling, you can turn it around to an advantage. Read this article by Chessmen president Richard Knappen on this topic as published in the San Diego Reader. This is a small bit of the overall strategic approach Chessmen takes to overcome such an obstacle. After 25 years as the career counselor San Diego job seekers have found most beneficial to their career advancement objectives, there are few — if any — such scenarios for which the career direction experts at Chessmen lack a workable solution.

So you've got the desire to advance your career; you've begun the search for the counseling you need; and now you have found the leaders in the field. All that's left is to make that call and get the ball rolling.

Even simpler, to request a no-obligation review with a senior Chessmen consultant, simply forward your résumé to:, and we'll be in touch to show you the ropes of the most finely-tuned career strategies San Diego has ever known.






SEO PAGE MENU (not part of the actual SEO page.... Just here for review convenience!)