This is the "all important" Title tag that helps Google (and other search engines) categorize the page and rank it among searches for the key phrase.

This is the short blurb of text that appears beneath the Blue, bolded underlined results when the page does come up in a search. It helps the user say to themselves "This 'echoes' my search phrase and pertains to the thing I am searching for".

These are the "hidden" phrases that further help search engines categorize a page. Google has publicly stated they no longer use keywords in this fashion, but other search engines still do, so they are still important to include with each page.

Not only is this text big and bold, it is "coded" to indicate importance to the search engines.

Career Counselling Online San Diego

Same thing with this sub-header text.

When Searching For Career Counselling Online San Diego, Don't overlook The Seasoned Pros: Chessmen

Job hunting can be stressful. We don't have to tell you that. And the longer you've been looking the more stressful it becomes. Job interviewers can sense this stress, and it makes you look like an injured bird having just fallen from a tree! Not the best impression you want to make on a prospective employer. We have nothing against Career Counselling online, but the real benefit Chessmen offers comes in the form of one-on-one, in-person career counseling which is head-and-shoulders above any career counseling online San Diego — or any other city has to offer. After all, a job interview is an in-person event and how better to prepare for it than with an in-person career counselor with years of experience and a track record of success after success, to coach you in the exact right direction.

Sometimes a job interview is conducted by a person significantly younger than the applicant. The average person would feel one of two things in this scenario: 1) That it's a "youth-oriented" company in which you would feel "out-of-place"; or 2) The notion that "what can this youngster know about the position at his/her age?" Either way, Chessmen will counsel you on the best way to handle this to put everyone at ease. Read this article by Chessmen president Richard Knappen and see how his insight and wisdom come into play in such a situation. It's just another piece of the big picture that demonstrates how the Chessmen approach to successful career counseling online — or in-person in San Diego beats the pants off of any other job hunting strategy.

Go ahead... try any career counselling online San Diego has to offer. When you compare it to the Chessmen approach, we feel certain you'll be calling us soon afterwards: (619) 296-8828. Make your next job interview your last one!






SEO PAGE MENU (not part of the actual SEO page.... Just here for review convenience!)