This is the "all important" Title tag that helps Google (and other search engines) categorize the page and rank it among searches for the key phrase.

This is the short blurb of text that appears beneath the Blue, bolded underlined results when the page does come up in a search. It helps the user say to themselves "This 'echoes' my search phrase and pertains to the thing I am searching for".

These are the "hidden" phrases that further help search engines categorize a page. Google has publicly stated they no longer use keywords in this fashion, but other search engines still do, so they are still important to include with each page.

Not only is this text big and bold, it is "coded" to indicate importance to the search engines.

Career Consultant San Diego

Same thing with this sub-header text.

The Career Consultant San Diego Relies On Most

A career consultant sounds like a pretty intense thing, right? You probably think, what would you ever need one for? You've got a great education from a great school. Your GPA is through the roof. Your resume is on point. You're confident and articulate. All good things. But guess what? Everyone has those things these days. And with so few jobs being sought after by so very many applicants, the usual "good stuff" is not enough. Not enough to get that second interview. You have to say and do the right things. Then the third interview. You have to shine! You have to say the right things and not the wrong things — and you have to know the difference! We'll teach you that. Sounds easy, but when you know exactly what the interviewer wants to see, hear and feel from you, you'll do and say the right things. Do you know what the interviewer wants to get from you during that interview? We do. Do you know what not to say? We do. Do you know the right length answer to the question "Tell me about yourself"? Do you know why they ask that question? We do. Still think you can get along without a career consultant in your corner? If not, that's OK. We can teach you to be the perfect applicant to compliment your otherwise perfect education, experience and personality. Feel a little shaky in any of those areas? The Chessmen process covers all of that too. That's why we're the career consultant San Diego puts in first place.

It's new age for job searching where you have to have an edge. In fact, check out this article by Chessmen president Richard Knappen on exactly that topic: "Welcome to the New Age of the Job Search" as published in the San Diego Reader. It will open up your head to the realities of today's job market and show you that Chessmen is indeed on the cutting edge of career consulting largely because of their experience. They've had their ear to the ground for over 25 years and have helped hundreds of people not unlike yourself come out on top in the hunt for a great job. Many of our clients are referrals because folks who've benefitted from their association with Chessmen will indeed say that we are the career consultant San Diego job seekers should call. Just check our Testimonials page and see for yourself.

Take what you've got, then add the Chessmen edge and get that job you've targeted. Simple as that. Call Chessmen Career Movers today: (619) 296-8828.






SEO PAGE MENU (not part of the actual SEO page.... Just here for review convenience!)